Redeemer Women’s Ministry

Better Together
A few women chatting and having a nice evening in the sunlight

Meant for Community

We were made for and meant for community. Discover how to stay connected with other women of all ages and stages of life.

Join our email list to receive updates on ways to get connected through events, serving and small group studies.

Community Groups

Redeemer Community Groups are a place to cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus and each other. Women’s groups include morning, evening and online options during the week.

The winter session of the Women’s Groups will meet the week of January 19 through March 9.

Women of varied ages posing for photo at a table outdoors

Hiking Group

This group serves as a way to connect with other women at Redeemer and also as an opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to join. We meet at various hiking trails around San Diego county on Saturday morning. If you’re interested in joining us, sign up below!
Three women hiking down a paved urban trail into a golden light

Upcoming Events

You were created for community.

Join us this Sunday.