Membership & Baptism
Join Us
At Redeemer, church membership means you’re committing yourself to a family of believers. It also means going from being a consumer to becoming a provider of God’s love and care to others.
“In the New Testament there is no such person as a Christian who is not a church member. Conversion was described as ‘the Lord adding to the church’ (Acts 2:46). There was no spiritual drifting.” (Douglas Millar)
3 Steps for Membership
Step 2 of 3
Membership Interview
Step 3 of 3
Covenant and Baptism
Membership Questions
To transfer your membership from another church (PCA or non-PCA), you will need to complete 2 easy steps. First, you must notify your church that you would like to become a member at Redeemer San Diego. Then, your former church will need to send a letter or email saying that you are in good standing and that they are releasing you into the hands of Redeemer San Diego for spiritual care. All letters or emails should be sent to .
God has always given his people visible pictures of his promises to confirm their reality and his faithfulness to keep them. In the Old Testament, he gave his people circumcision and the Passover. In the New Testament, he gave us baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Col. 2:11-12).
“Baptism is primarily God’s speaking to us, not us to him. It is there that he signifies and seals an operation of grace that he performs in the context of a community that he has established.” (Lyle Bierma)
Baptism Questions
At Redeemer, we baptize adults who come to faith in Jesus and children of believers. The Bible tells us that God’s covenant family (the church) is made up of individuals and households (Gen. 17:9-11; Acts 16:15, 32-33; 1 Cor. 1:16. 7:12-14). In baptism, our children are received into God’s covenant family. The water of baptism symbolizes the water of cleansing for those who believe, but for those who turn away in unbelief the water symbolizes the reality of judgement.
When your child is baptized, they are given a life-long sign pointing to the gospel. They are also received into the church community – who makes a solemn promise to assist you in discipling your child in the gospel.
Many people argue that since every child needs to consciously profess their faith in Christ, baptism should be withheld until that time. At Redeemer, we recognize the importance for every child to make a profession of faith and to honor that profession with significance. We believe that the more appropriate expression of this is the child’s welcome to the Lord’s Supper. All of our children are encouraged to go through the communicant’s process (Exploring My Faith class) whereby they can make a profession of faith and are received as full members of the church in their own right.