Redeemer Kids

Nursery - 5th Grade

Welcome to Redeemer Kids

Redeemer Kids strives to equip kids in becoming lovers of God and people by knowing biblical truths and practicing a gospel rule of life. Each week, we create space for your children to grow in love with God through worship, games, and interactive lessons.

Sunday Services

We offer kids programs at each Sunday service.

8:15 AM

18 Months - 5th Grade

9:45 AM

6 Months - 5th Grade

11:15 AM

18 Months - 5th Grade

On the first Sunday of each month, we have a Family Service. All kids, kindergarten and older, attend the main worship service and Nursery-Preschool classes meet as usual. 

Nursery -

Programming for your little ones will help them learn and grow by engaging in open play, a Bible lesson, and a craft. Kids aged 3 to 5 years old will also have time on the playground.

Children working on a craft at a table

Kindergarten -
Grade 5

Children will join together for worship and Bible teaching, then we’ll help them find their grade-specific classrooms for discussion and an activity.
Children sitting at a table having a nice time

Redeemer Kids Discipleship Outcomes

Redeemer Kids strives to equip kids in becoming lovers of God and people by knowing biblical truths and practicing a gospel rule of life.

Icon: Core Value - Identity


Followers of Jesus who are developing their love for God and for others.

Icon: Core Value - Discipleship


Biblical Foundations – We want kids to understand that theology shapes not only their minds but also their hearts, and that Scripture is a lens to make sense of their world.

Icon: Core Value - Community

Practicing: A gospel rule of life

  • Prayer – We will teach kids to consistently go to God first for their needs, desires, concerns, and praises knowing that he always hears, and answers.
  • God’s Word – We will equip kids to read and understand their Bible, delighting in it, and developing a lifelong habit of engaging God’s Word.
  • Gospel-centered Relationships – We will facilitate growth in relationship to God, mentors, and peers, as they learn to live life in community.
  • Sharing the Gospel – We will train kids to be able to share with others the story of the gospel and how they personally fit into the story.
  • Generosity – We will teach children that we can be generous because God has been so generous to us. God is the giver of every good and perfect gift and we want children to see everything they have as something to steward for the glory of God.

Parent Resources

Monthly lesson line up along with the family calendar of ways to engage in what kids are learning.


Come serve with us and help kids learn to grow as disciples of Jesus! 

Upcoming Events

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