Counseling and Care
Let us help

Quality Counseling
One of the ways the gospel brings renewal to our lives is through counseling for individuals, marriages, or families who are struggling or hurting. If you are in need of counseling, we would love to connect you to quality counseling.
Individual (one-on-one) counseling has multiple benefits and can be helpful for many conditions or areas of struggle, including depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, and more.

Marriage can be complicated. But God desires the best for you and your partner. If your marriage is hurting, we strongly encourage you to consider meeting with a Christian counselor.

Family counseling is a great way to help family members process and resolve conflicts, as well as understand and improve communication methods.

Weddings and Premarital Counseling
Redeemer values healthy marriages and wants to help engaged and pre-engaged couples prepare for the wonderful challenge of marriage. Click below to request premarital counseling, or to inquire about one of our pastors officiating your wedding.

Care Ministry
Redeemer Care is a ministry team of pastors, elders, diaconate members, and staff that offers tangible help to people within our family of faith who are in crisis or facing challenging circumstances.
Services Provided
Prayer and Spiritual Guidance
God cares about you, your concerns, and your pain. Let us know if you would like prayer, accountability, or gospel-centered guidance.
Meals Ministry
Unpredicted sickness or hardships can be difficult and disruptive. If meal preparation is a real struggle for you at this time, please contact us.
Care Groups
We offer care groups for difficult life events such as divorce, death, and aging.
Job Search Support & Coaching
We offer care groups for difficult life events such as divorce, death, and aging.
Financial Assistance
If you’re struggling to pay basic living expenses (rent, food, bills) or the cost of counseling services, please let us know.
Guidance on Budgeting or Biblical Stewardship
If you feel overwhelmed by debt or would like to discuss what Christian stewardship may look like for you, we’d love to talk with you.
3 Steps to Getting Care
Step 2 of 3
Meet with a Care Team Member
A member of Redeemer Care will meet with you to assess your needs and determine whether the team is able to help.
Step 3 of 3
Get Care
A member of the Care Team will be assigned as your partner and will help support and pray for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, but members and regular attenders will have priority in receiving financial assistance.
No. Even if you are wrestling with Christianity when you come to us, our calling is help you become familiar with the gospel (salvation by Christ) because the core of our ministry is to rely on God’s provision for you.
The Care Team adheres to a strict confidentiality policy. Only those who need to know or who are working with you will know your identity. With your prior written approval, some information may be exchanged with others who are critical to providing care for you, such as a counselor, pastor, or a Community Group leader. There are special circumstances when the Care Team is obligated by law to share information with appropriate parties. These include the following instances: threats of suicide or homicide, indication of child abuse, or by a subpoena or court order.
The frequency of meeting depends on various factors such as the nature of your situation and your financial, emotional or spiritual needs. It can range from once a week to once a month or even once a quarter. There can be phone and email contact as well.